Multisensor Measuring Machine Buyers’ Guide

Multisensor Measuring Machine Buyers’ Guide

A multisensor measuring machine is highly useful in measuring small or large parts. Its main feature is having more than 1 sensor on the machine. 

All multisensor measuring machines consist of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis. The basic structure of the multisensor measuring machine, which is already inherently accurate, is further enhanced by software to provide the machine with additional accuracy. Once a programme is written, it can even measure the parts without operator intervention.

Multisensor Measuring Machines VS Coordinate Measuring Machines

Multisensor measuring machines are typically faster, smaller, and more accurate than typical coordinate measuring machines (CMMs).

Type of Probes

The probes convert physical measurements into electrical signals. Multisensor measuring machines’ probes include the following:

  • Contact probe
  • Non-contact probe
  • Scanning probes

Contact probes are the most commonly used probes. They touch the surface of the workpiece and send a signal of the coordinates to the multisensor measuring machine. 

Non-contact probes use laser or video measurement technology over the target surface. As the probe moves over the surface, it transmits the data to the multisensor measuring machine.

Scanning probes work the same way as non-contact probes but make use of optoelectronic position sensing or Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT).

Tip: For greater flexibility, you can even consider getting a probe holder. A probe holder enables one to use both optical and tactile scanning probes in one multisensor measuring machine.


The key to measurement on a multisensor measuring machine is software. It unlocks the door to many measurement tasks, without the need for highly specialized metrology skills or in-depth mathematical knowledge.

There is no best CMM software. Instead, the multisensor measuring machine programmer must understand what and why he is measuring, as well as interpret measurement results on time. This greatly simplifies the management of quality data.


Multisensor measuring machines’ accessories facilitate daily work on your measuring device. The accessories include clamping devices, sensor racks, temperature sensors, stylus systems, reference spheres, and calibration artifacts.


Where to Purchase A Multisensor Measuring Machine

Retrofitting/Upgrading your multsensor measuring machine: Another cost-effective solution is to upgrade your existing multisensor measuring machine by installing new software, upgrading your probing system, or controllers.

Multisensor measuring machine dealer: Multisensor measuring machine dealers only provide new, high-quality machines. Typically, the multisensor measuring machine dealers also perform the installation, calibration, repair, and maintenance at your site. As you get all the services and products from the same dealer, your results are more optimal.